Our Projects
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Right to Repair Bill
In 2021, Repair Café Aotearoa NZ joined the international Right to Repair movement by launching the Make it our Right to Repair petition,. which was delivered to the then Minister for the Environment David Parker with 12,901 signatures in July the following year.
Subsequently, RCANZ was invited to provide a written submission to help its consideration of our petition.
The oral submission to the Select Committee with supporting submissions from WasteMINZ, Zero Waste Network, Ministry for the Environment and the Delegation of the European Union to New Zealand was presented in August 2023. (Reference: Parliament webpage)
On the back of this work, RCANZ is now campaigning in support of the Consumer Guarantees (Right to Repair) Amendment Bill, with the Right to Repair Bill Campaign.
Repair Festival 2024

Get ready to mend, make do, and extend the life of your belongings at the first-ever Repair Festival Aotearoa New Zealand! From September 14th to 22st, we're celebrating a week of Repair Cafes, Workshops and Community building. Connect with fellow fixers and sustainability enthusiasts.
Everyone is welcome!
International Repair Day

International Repair Day celebrations in Aotearoa are hosted by Repair Café Aotearoa NZ. Join Repair Café Aotearoa NZ and our partners to learn how you can be part of this growing movement. Find out about special Repair Café projects and how they benefit their community. Watch our volunteer repairers in action at in-person Repair Café events livestreaming on the day in different parts of the motu.
The 2023 Aotearoa Repair Summit was an online event on Saturday, 21 October 2023, 10am - 1pm. This events theme was 'Repair for everyone'. Find out more about the programme in attached pdf.
The theme for International Repair Day 2022 was 'Repair Everywhere' - view the video. The Aotearoa ‘The Repair Show’! was held online on Saturday 15 October 2022.
On International Repair Day 2021, RCANZ held the Repair Café Aotearoa NZ Launch in an online event.
Crowdfunding Campaign | Generosity Generator
Repair Café Aotearoa NZ participated in Generosity Generator- running a Givealittle Campaign from 15 - 29 September 2022. Generosity Generator is created by The Funding Network, and kindly supported by NZME, Chorus and Givelittle.
These funds were used to equip our existing Repair Cafés, and to support the establishment of new Repair Cafés across the motu.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Circular Economy

Repair Café Aotearoa NZ is committed to learning what Te Tiriti o Waitangi means for our organisation and identifying actions to embed Te Tiriti into everyday practice at Repair Cafés.
Repair Café Aotearoa NZ formed a partnership with Para Kore, committing to training Kaiārahi to provide education through wānanga to their interested rōpū to hold repair cafés at marae and Māori organisations.
Repair Café Aotearoa NZ also collaborates with Para Kore ki Tāmaki and our first joined repair café was held as part of 2022 Matariki celebrations.
In June 2022, we were fortunate to be able to host a workshop facilitated by Tangata Tiriti- Treaty People, to develop knowledge about Te Tiriti o Waitangi for personal learning as well as bringing our understanding to our organizations. The facilitators, Marisa Maclachlan and Mikesh Patel provided a space of learning and self-reflection, with opportunities for conversation and activities. We look forward to holding similar workshops in the future to empower and equip Repair Café facilitators.
Repair Café Aotearoa NZ joined the first Circular Economy Directory by the Sustainable Business Network. We offer multiple, practical opportunities to businesses that strive to implement the fundamental principles of the circular economy in their product design. Ways we can help include promoting your business and repairability of your products, enable customers to repair a product you’ve supplied, or promote you as a sponsor on our website for funds or equipment donation. Contact us if you are interested in a potential collaboration!
Image sourced via Ministry for the Environment | Manatū Mō Te Taiao